Ask the doctor about… biologic drugs for atopic dermatitis

Learn more about biologic drugs: insights from dermatologist Melinda Gooderham

Buzz has surrounded the new biologic therapies for the treatment of atopic dermatitis (the most common form of eczema), but what are biologics and what role do they play in managing this chronic condition? Eczema Society of Canada (ESC) chatted with Canadian dermatologist and clinical researcher Melinda Gooderham, MD, FRCPC about biologic drugs and how they are used in the treatment for atopic dermatitis (AD). ESC recommends that individuals should discuss the risks and benefits of these therapies with their prescribing physician or a qualified health care professional.

What are biologic drugs?

Biologic drugs – which are sometimes called “biologics” – are a fairly new type of medication approved for the treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD). On a basic level, to create biologic drugs, scientists engineer proteins that come from living tissues or cells that are created in a laboratory.

How do biologics work to improve atopic dermatitis symptoms?

Our immune systems fight off harmful bacteria and viruses using proteins called interleukin, or IL for short. People with inflammatory conditions, like AD, have an overactive immune system. This overactive immune response causes the body to mistakenly attack itself. In AD, this overreaction results in inflammation of the skin caused by IL, and biologics work to block these proteins from binding to cell receptors. This stops the process of immune overreaction and stops the cycle of inflammation.

How does a patient take a biologic drug?

Biologics are not a topical treatment applied to the skin (such as a cream) or an oral treatment (such as a pill). Biologics are taken through the skin (with a needle injection) or intravenously (through the veins).

Are biologic drugs safe?

Overall, biologics are generally a safe class of medication, but all medications carry the risk of side effects, and it is always advisable to discuss these risks with your own doctor. It is especially important to talk to your doctor if you are trying to conceive, become pregnant, or are breastfeeding.

Are biologics a new class of medication?

Biologics have been used for more than a decade to treat other conditions including psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel conditions.

When are biologic drugs used to treat atopic dermatitis?

For many patients with AD, appropriate skin care such as bathing and moisturizing, along with topical treatments, will manage their condition. However, for some patients who live with forms of moderate-to-severe AD, topical therapies may not adequately control their disease and their dermatologist may recommend a biologic drug.

Why are biologics so expensive?

Biologic drugs are expensive because they represent a major scientific advancement in the treatment of inflammatory conditions. The research and development of biologic drugs takes many years and is a very expensive process.

Eczema Society of Canada thanks Melinda Gooderham, MD, FRCPC for her volunteer contribution to this educational content.

Disclaimer: Information provided in this resource does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool.  The information is up-to-date at time of publication. All medications, interventions, and treatment plans have risks and benefits, and it is important that individuals discuss their or their child’s specific health care needs with a qualified health care professional.

August 2021

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