Eczema etiquette

Recommendations on eczema etiquette

Have you ever received comments that were intended to be helpful, but were the opposite? We know firsthand how unsolicited advice can be frustrating, and education can go a long way. To encourage communication (and take the pressure off you!) here is a simple list of eczema etiquette dos and don’ts that you can share and discuss.

Eczema Etiquette

What would you add to this list? Join the conversation on ESC’s social media channels and share your ideas and feedback. We are more than our dry skin.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc semper mi feugiat ultrices ibendum. Donec gravida, purus sit amet iaculis molestie, magna metus convallis justo, vel dignissim lacus lectus id turpis.


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