Five tips for summer eczema

ESC shares tips to soothe eczema in warmer months

Five tips for summer eczemaAs the temperature rises, eczema flares can also increase. If you are someone whose skin gets more irritated due to overheating and sweating, you are not alone. We know how challenging it can be to have eczema in the summer, so here are a few ways to help keep your cool when your eczema heats up:

  1. Regulate your temperature (if you can): Overheating is a common trigger, as sweat contains elements that are known to irritate the skin and lead to intense itching. Carrying a battery-operated fan, keeping cool packs on hand, and wearing light clothing in layers can help if you need to cool down quickly.
  2. Rinse off sweat: Keeping perspiration off the body can also help reduce irritation – bring water to rinse off if playing sports outside or take a cool or warm (never hot) shower after breaking a sweat.
  3. Opt for physical filter sunscreens: Dermatologist Cheryl Rosen, MD, FRCPC, recently advised ESC that sunscreens with chemical filters may be more irritating to skin, especially for people with eczema. Try looking instead for ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide on the label, as these typically sit on top of the skin and create a physical barrier. Test on a small area of skin to make sure that it is not irritating before putting it on a larger area of the skin.
  4. Take a dip: With the right precautions, swimming can be a safe and enjoyable summer activity for eczema sufferers. To reduce irritation, try rinsing off with clean water after swimming, and follow up with a moisturizer to protect and hydrate your skin barrier.
  5. Optimize management: Remember: unmanaged eczema can equal uncomfortable eczema. There are more options than ever before to help with symptoms like itch and dryness, so visit your doctor or dermatologist to review your eczema treatment plan if you’re experiencing discomfort during the summer.

May 2022

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