Share your story: Karen’s story

Karen’s eczema story

Living with eczema

Share your story: Karen’s storyKaren recently wrote to ESC to share her story of living with eczema, and how she found support from our organization. Read Karen’s story and learn how you can share your experiences and help us build a community of support and strength.

“My experience of eczema began as an infant. Family photo albums show a red-cheeked baby but a closer look revealed arms and legs just as red. As I got older, my eczema flares would ebb and flow, usually aggravated by stressful times like exams, job interviews or even changes in the season. As a young adult, my eczema concentrated itself in the typical places: crooks of arms and backs of knees. However, as I got older, it seemed to settle on my hands and occasionally on my neck and lips. During the times when my eczema would settle down, I would wonder where it would pop up next!

During all these years, there has been a great deal of trial and error to find relief. My mother often spoke about her frustration as she took me to one dermatologist after another and tried many different treatments and elimination diets that didn’t provide relief. Fortunately, there is much more information and support available now. I only recently became aware of the Eczema Society of Canada and reached out for support during a particularly intense flare on my hands. One of the resources I found most valuable on ESC’s website is the list of products that have been given the ESC Seal of Acceptance. Before I discovered this resource, it really was a trial-and-error approach, and it became costly. Now, I’m able to narrow my search by referring to this list of products. Another helpful resource from ESC has been their free webinars. I’ve attended several and have learned something new at each one.

My advice to anyone living with eczema is to reach out to the Eczema Society of Canada for support; ever since I connected with then, I feel like I have more tools in my eczema toolkit. Another helpful tip is to prepare a list of questions in advance to ask your dermatologist and write the answers down so you can refer to them when you need them most.

There may not be a cure for eczema – yet – but be proactive and arm yourself with information and strategies that can help you cope with your next eczema flare.”

On behalf of ESC, we thank each and every person who shares their stories as a way to build community, give support, and make others feel better and more confident in their skin. Want to share your story? Email us at today.

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