
Share Your Story – Timothy’s Story

Ordinary activities take on new dimensions of pain and discomfort when your skin is compromised - Timothy

Driven to make a difference, Timothy connected with ESC to share his eczema experience. He wanted to highlight eczema’s emotional, physical and social impacts while offering hope to those navigating their journey.

“Eczema has been a lifelong challenge, impacting my daily life significantly. Ordinary activities take on new dimensions of pain and discomfort when your skin is compromised. Seemingly simple tasks can become incredibly painful, like washing your hands, especially when the soap contains an ingredient that exacerbates your skin condition. Even washing and drying my skin comes with distressing reactions, leaving me with only a brief 30-second window to mitigate the venomous itch that follows.

Growing up in a household where English wasn’t the first language introduced additional obstacles. As a teenager, I had to navigate explaining complex medical terminology and advocating that my skin condition wasn’t solely a result of dietary choices. 

The impact of eczema extends beyond the physical, influencing my body image and self-esteem. Visible wounds on my face, which often appeared brown instead of red, led to feelings of self-consciousness. My parents and peers repeatedly questioned whether I was adequately tending to my condition when, in fact, I was trying everything possible to manage it.

As an advocate for people with eczema, I strongly encourage others not to view us as lesser or to pass judgment. Instead, I hope to foster empathy and understanding, recognizing our daily battles and the strength required to navigate the complexities of life with eczema.”

ESC sincerely thanks Timothy for sharing her story. If you are struggling with eczema and need support, please contact us at or visit us at or on our social media channels.

September 2023

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