“Ditch the Itch” fundraiser raises funds for ESC

Grassroots fundraising campaigns – a great way to grow eczema awareness

photo 1579621970795 87facc2f976dHave you ever thought about creating your own fundraiser? ESC eczema Ambassador Larry C. raised $575 during Eczema Awareness Month! We asked him to share his experience with creating his own fundraiser. Here is what he told ESC:

“Ever since I connected with ESC at a past Life with Eczema event, I realized that the commitment of the team was a labour of love and not just a job. I’ve since had the chance to meet others who I felt were so much more affected by eczema than me, and all this led me to want to give back and show my support.

I wish people knew that eczema is not just a rash, or the odd bout of itchy skin; it can be so much more. It can be hereditary and have serious impacts, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. It can also affect people of all ages (my granddaughter also has it).

Starting my own fundraiser through Canada Helps was easy to do, and I was able to promote it very simply through my social media, and send gentle reminders to my network through my email. I was really quite blown away by the level of support by some friends and family and found the whole process through Canada Helps was easy.”

ESC thanks Larry and all of our donors for their support. All private citizen donations go towards supporting eczema research in Canada.

To learn more about how to get involved, or to find out how you can create your own fundraiser, contact us today. You can also visit our donate page if you’re interested in supporting ESC directly.

Note: ESC recommends that donors use CanadaHelps.org to submit secure online donations. Donors should use caution and diligence when giving donations through online platforms and should only donate using reputable and secure sites.

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